Friday, July 30, 2010

Things I´ve Strangely Gotten Used To

When I first got here, many things seemed very unusual to me, very out of the ordinary. Here are a few things I did not expect to eventually find normal.
  • Cows wandering the streets with their owner. I used to be pretty shocked when I saw cows walking down the street by my house. Now I don´t even thing twice about them being there. I´m still pretty scared of them though. I always keep my distances when I walk pass them because I´m afraid they´ll suddenly decide to charge on me.
  • Taking bucket showers. I´ve now gotten used to boiling water whenever I want to shower, then mixing it with cold water. A full bucket is just enough to bathe myself.
  • Only taking showers once a week. Although I have no problem with bucket showers, I really don´t like showering when it´s cold outside which was the case for the past few weeks. So I started showering only once a week instead of two. I would have thought this to be gross before getting here but now I find it normal. 
  • The sounds of sheep, chickens and of our new baby bull. I´m really living in the ´´campo´´ so I´m bound to hear all sorts of sounds here. My family bought a baby bull a few weeks ago and I´ve now gotten used to its noise. What I haven´t gotten used to is when it escapes and comes right in the kitchen looking for food. It´s happened twice already and let me just say that I don´t appreciate sharing the kitchen with a bull.
  • Riding in the back of trucks/no cars. I was so shocked the first time I hoped in the back of a truck along with a bunch of other people to go to town. It was a very bumpy ride and I thought I´d fall out at times. Now it´s just another mode of transportation to me. Also, the fact that we don´t have a car and that there aren´t any cars on the streets in my community is perfectly normal to me. I´m actually surprised when a car goes by once in a while.
Well, I hope this has given you a better idea of where and how I live. It may sound like a strange place but I´ve grown to really like it.

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