Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An Ecuadorian Fiesta in the Andes.

This past Saturday was my youngest host brother´s confirmation. We all went to mass at 9am and it lasted until 11:30am. It´s pretty similar to a confirmation back home. However, what follows is pretty different. My host brother´s godparents drove us back home after the mass. We all sat in one of the rooms in the house which they had cleared completely for the fiesta. First came the soup, which could be considered a full meal with all it´s pataotes and piece of chicken. Then came the actual meal. HA. It was gigantic. It had this kind of corn called ¨mote¨, patatoes with a sauce, a boiled egg, and many piece of meat which included guiney pig. Yes, guiney pig. I finaly had my first taste of it and let me tell you it was probably my last. It had a funky taste to it, not that terrible but I wouldn´t eat it again, especially knowing that I´m eating what is considered a pet back home. Anyways, I didn´t get that big of a plate because I warned them not to feed me so much. It is a costum here to pass plastic bags to guests after a meal, and people just bring whatever they can´t eat back home. Like doggy bags. Anyways, after lunch the drinking and dancing began. Slowly but surely the alcohol kicks in and people start dancing more. I wish I could load videos on here of them dancing but it won´t let me. Let´s just say, as a sober one, it was very intersting to watch. I did dance a bit also but I mostly observed.

So to sum things up, my understanding of the focus of the fiestas here are on Eating, Drinking and Dancing. Quite the party let me tell you.

I´ll try to post pictures of this fiesta and other stuff next time I come to the internet cafe because it´s not letting me today for some reason.

I hope everyone is well at home. I miss you all so much!


  1. Allooooo :)
    Juste un autre message pour te laisser savoir que .. i'm steel reading your blog! haha
    J'etait gone au camp ectus so c pour sa sa fais un bout jai pas venuuu!
    So j'ai finally fait le pre-camp!! Stais right le monde est mentalll! J'ai hate d'avoir les kids asteur :) haha
    Hope tu t'enjoy .. ben jsuis sure tu t'enjoye haha!
    J'ai hate de te revoirrrr :)

  2. i'm steel? .. wtf haha
    i'm still! :)
